
The Dream Big Series

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What a frustrating day today. After misplacing my travel card today and arriving at the train station, I decided to walk from the train station to the work place which is quite a distance.

I started the journey amidst the cold weather with a step and consistently I bridged the gap between the train station and the work place.

Finally I got to my destination.

This scenario is replicated in pursuing our dreams in life. Sometimes it looks like the journey is too long and circumstances around us sounds negative so we are tempted or we give up too early.

I like the principles used by builders. That is a builder puts one building block at time. The fact is I have never seen a builder who puts two building blocks at a time when building a house.

This shows that you need to learn to build your dreams from humble beginnings. The journey might look long but remember the first step counts towards your journey in getting to destination.

The fact is you will only get to your destination if only you take your first step and the subsequent steps in a consistent manner. Consistency is the key to mastering your skills leading to becoming an expert in that field.

Start your journey today!

Remember it is always possible if only you believe it is possible. Shalom.


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ImageLast Sunday the 27th October 2013 was a healthy discussion with Richard Oluyinka on The Platform talk show on Fire Live Radio. The one thing I will share with you on the 2 hour discussion was that, Richie as affectionately called encouraged us to kiss our excuses goodbye and find that one reason that will cause us to jumpstart our dreams in life. He said, you can find a million excuses why it is not possible but to find that one reason why your dreams can be achievable can be a hardest decision for most of us.

He urged us to first discover who we are, then find your purpose in life and pursue that purpose. He reiterated that the journey of fulfilling your purpose can be full of challenges. However he urged us to learn to find exit routes, be patient in traffic and hope for the best.

The one question that I asked that I would like to share with you is, why do some people stay at a particular level for the rest of their lives? His answer was very simple but powerful, that is those people have lost their motivation. He therefore encouraged us to find reasons why your dream can be possible rather than finding excuses.

Finally he concluded by saying that, success is a journey but not a destination so jumpstarting your dream from one level to another is part of the journey but not a destination. Find your motivation today, find that one reason why you must pursue that dream and kiss your million excuses goodbye.

However next Sunday the 4th of November 2013 will be another powerful discussion with Paul Dayes who will discuss how he turned his life around to achieve his dreams in life. Watch out for more update on that.ImageImageImage


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They say a journey of a thousand miles starts with a step. That one step no matter how small or insignificant it is still counts towards getting you closer to your destination. Those small steps becomes significant when they are taken in a consistent manner over a period of time.

No matter how you see the journey to be long, those small steps are the antidote to shortening the distance to your destination.

You surely get to your destination if you don’t give up, continue to take your steps in a consistent manner, enjoy every single step you take and believing that you can achieve your dreams with those small steps is the key to getting to your destination.

Therefore remember that you will surely get to your destination if you don’t give up.

Hence I will urge you to learn to start from humble beginnings. We are living in a world that resources are scarce. It is increasingly becoming difficult to gather all the resources needed to kick start your dream in life.

However if you learn to take baby steps, you will learn to wake up if you fall like babies, walk and ultimately run.

The journey might look very long but every baby step will take you closer to your destination.

Therefore enjoy every step you take in a consistent manner and you will not believe how close you are to your destination.

Remember it is always possible if only you believe.